Join the Herd

We hope to end the unwanted horse population in our lifetime. There are thousands, if not millions, of people who adore horses nationwide that cannot call a horse their own due to health, time commitment, or cost.

Dove Creek allows you to sponsor a horse for any amount monthly from $10 – $300 or anywhere in between! This means you are covering a portion of the basic needs of that horse fully until he or she is adopted.

We believe there will be a day when all horses will have a safe place to live with owners who love and care for them impeccably. We look forward to celebrating that day together.

Did You Know

95% of the dollars our donors give goes to the care of our animals? It costs us $300/month to care for a healthy horse, and $50- $75/month to care for a healthy barnyard animal. If the horse or barnyard animal is in a compromised state, that costs can be much higher.

Your support will go towards the basic needs and care for your horses or barnyard animal, so they can regain their health and thrive.

Riata & Her Sponsors

“I am always happy to see information about her [Riata]. I wish I could do more; you guys do such wonderful work. I’ve only visited Dove Creek one time and I did get to spend a few minutes with Riata that day, which blossomed into a desire to learn more and spend time in the company of horses. This resulted in me finding a horse rescue farm where I live, and I am active there now. But l credit Riata and Dove Creek with my love of horses and I keep up with you guys on Instagram… I plan to continue to support Dove Creek with my monthly donation and my prayers for favorable conditions in your work. I pray God’s blessings on you all.”