Equine-Assisted Coaching


What is EAL and why horses?

Horses are keen observers and sensitive to movement and emotion. They respond to what your body language (emotions, thoughts, intentions, etc) are conveying, your non-verbal communication. They become a powerful mirror of reflection, tuning into your energy and reflecting back how you show up, without ego or judgment. This characteristic makes horses masters at helping us attune to our own inner landscape and gain clarity on how to move forward in ways that are authentic and true.


Equine-Assisted Learning and Coaching (EAL)  is an experiential journey where the horse, as co-teacher and guide, provides immediate insight into your relationship with yourself and others.  EAL involves interactive horse activities and experiences for individuals and groups, facilitated by an Equine Certified Coach, focusing on what happens with the horse and how they respond to you.

We utilize Equine Assisted Learning (EAL) to help groups and teams become better, stronger and more productive.  Specific activities are all designed to develop problem-solving skills while encouraging participants to work as cohesive teams to achieve positive results. Horses are surprisingly good at revealing the hidden dynamics within any team. These sensitive creatures can actually hear our heartbeats and will react to even the slightest changes within a group.  The new discoveries with teams involve seeing new perspectives, learning a new skill, a new way to solve problems, and see new possibilities.


In Led By Horses retreats and workshops participants have an opportunity to heal emotional scars and develop new life skills and practices. The horse-human connection deepens the ability to identify the root causes of what makes everyday life difficult: lingering emotions, false beliefs, old patterns, and codependent relationships… all roadblocks that prevent us from moving forward. Through social interaction with horses, they gently and compassionately show us how to discover our own wisdom and gain access to new ways of being.

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“Each of us are a thread in the tapestry of life, and each play an integral part in the weaving and evolution of our own soul’s journey and humanity’s journey. Let the Horse help you find those valuable pearls and gems within, just waiting to be discovered.”

— Laurie Higgins-Kerley